The centre-piece of every community is it’s people and we listen with listening ears, see things with authentic eyes, we can clearly discern the rhythm of the direction we are to choose so the definition of our heartfelt convictions
While on this week’s daily journey for a why that is forming a purpose in Jinja for many, My reflection has been on 2 (Two) impactUps we have hosted in this part of the world, by the icons Jon McCoy CFRE and Becky Endicott CRFE well known for rekindling We Are For Good Community the fastest growing movement in our world, the lessons are contagious as we get to converge and talk through issues that widen a better version of missions and the lenses in which they stand out in solving big community complexes on their mandate to growing people and as we talk now, things are shifting
We believe in this super power and the chain continues as we embark on painting a world we dream of for more good humans. What does it look like to you as we embark on building a better world for rural moms, children and developing a breed of people that will think through the issues and lenses that best solve complexities with in their communities
II would love to hear your perspective, thoughts, and convictions on this as we together work on meaningful transformations and collaborations bigger than us